April 2023 Newsletter

Turnout has certainly been delayed by the wet weather but it feels as though we might have turned a corner, and spring is nearly with us.

The Cull trade continues to be particularly strong, as many of the spring calves are hitting the ground it is a good time to be selecting cows that should be culled and not run back with the bull. A problem cow this year is likely to be a problem cow next. The cull value means a heifer can replace a cow for zero input cost. With production costs as they are, it is certainly not a time for carrying passengers. It is now time also to consider your Bull/s for the breeding season ahead. We are keen to test the fertility of your bulls to make sure your calving period is as tight as possible and to avoid carrying a sub/infertile bull. Every year we investigate a few herds with poor fertility. There are any number of reasons but one of the most common is a poorly performing bull. A fertility check of the bull before the breeding season will help ensure that area is covered, but please check him in good time so there is time to re-check or go shopping for another! The procedure is pretty routine, we need the bull restrained with side access, we do not require power at the crush but we need some power nearby for the microscope. Please get in touch to book your bull in.

The cows can also be to blame so it is worth checking the trace element status and screening for any infectious causes of infertility prior to mating. It is far better to be prepared and to pre-empt problems before you have a disaster on your hands. Multi-min is an injectable trace element product that may well fit the bill and as an injection is easier than a bolus to administer.

We are in midst of silly season with our practice workload so please give us as much notice as you can when booking in TB tests etc. We always aim to fit around you as much as possible but the more warning the better! You may have noticed a few fresh faces in the practice. Our reception team has changed a little, we added Claire Parsons and Rachael Showering a while back, Hannah Bishop is due to start shortly. Also Jess Young has joined as a Vet-tech with her main responsibility being the calf health club but she will also be doing some TB testing.

The various drug drop boxes seem to work well generally, but a few requests please; orders for the same day collection need to be with us by 12 noon and double check the drugs are yours before taking them home! Space is limited in the drop boxes so please collect your medicines in a timely fashion.

Many dairy farmers enrolled on the Milk Sure scheme 5 or so years ago, most of you will need a refresher or a re-start shortly so with this in mind, we have a refresher meeting on 6th June at 11am at the Surgery. Please call to book your place.

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