April 2024 Newsletter
Well, the unsettled weather continues and turn-out is delayed. The temperature fluctuations are particularly marked making it hard to manage housed cattle and avoid stress that will precipitate pneumonia. On a positive note, the grass is growing so food will be available when they go out! Ewes and lambs are poaching up pastures so please be vigilant for the early signs of...
March 2024 Newsletter
The wet weather is certainly taking its toll on stock. Fields are inevitably heavily poached even at low stocking rates. The cold wet weather along with the soil contamination of grass makes it particularly risky for diseases such as coccidiosis and clostridial disease in baby lambs. It may well be worth considering vaccination for clostridial disease in lambs where they are...
February 2024 Newsletter
Last month I wrote about Blue Tongue Virus but it seems with many lambs having hit the ground already this year, it has been a different midge-borne virus that has afflicted many flocks; Schmallenberg Virus(SBV). SBV causes abortion and stillbirths with foetal abnormalities in sheep, cattle and goats. We classically see bent limbs and fixed joints, a twisted neck or spine, a...
January 2024 Newsletter
Happy New Year to everyone, I hope this year offers you all prosperity, health and happiness. It seems impossible that 2024 will see Tibbs & Simmons’s 20th Year ‘In Practice’ completed. It has certainly whizzed by for Clare and I. We owe so much gratitude to our amazing loyal band of clients that have allowed us to develop into what we see today. The memories of some...
December 2023 Newsletter
The dry cold weather is a huge relief to many. The high humidity and chilling winds have contributed to some nasty pneumonia outbreaks. The air temperature can fluctuate vastly at this time of year from minus figures at night to 10+ ⁰C in the day. This can be enough of a stress on young calves to cause an outbreak of pneumonia. Ensure all calves are protected from cold...
November 2023 Newsletter
With the clocks going back last weekend, it seems as though Winter has crept up on us once more, with many stock now housed. The winter housing season is always when we see an increase in the incidence of pneumonia. Both dairy and beef herds can find this challenging to manage at this time of year. High humidity and relatively mild temperatures allowing bugs to flourish plus...
October 2023 Newsletter
It was good to see so many of you at the Bath & West Dairy Show last week. The rain seems to have subsided for a while to allow some maize to be harvested and a bit of late silage has been made, so hopefully forage stocks are adequate despite the challenging seasons. Autumnal weather and animals coming back into housing are two of the biggest contributing factors in...
September 2023 Newsletter
We will be in attendance again at the SW Dairy Show at the Bath & West again this year on the 4th October. Please call by for a cuppa and cake; while we catch up for a chat! We are very pleased to welcome Caitee Midgley to our Vet Team. Caitee had spent time with us as a student at Bristol University. We are chuffed she has chosen to start her career with us. I am...
August 2023 Newsletter
I am sure the dry weather will return soon! Most certainly a topsy turvy year weather-wise. We continue to see tight supply chains with medicines; I wish I knew why! I have read that the EU are to blame but not sure if we can blame this on them! Forward planning enables us to try and smooth out the bumps in the road so the sooner you let us know you need a bulk load of...
July 2023 Newsletter
Some rain has now arrived, I am not convinced it is enough (yet!) or in time. It looks as though forage stocks could be tight again this year, let’s hope that means better prices at the farm gate. We held a well-attended sheep worm meeting last week. I feel we are starting to see a concerted shift in thinking in the industry, for too long we have been following practices that...